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Version: v1

Subscription Service

Extend and customize the behavior of the subscription server in the subscription.service file. Initialize a database connection, register subscribers, and define default subscriber options in the subscription service file.

Typescript example#

import * as PubSub from '@honestfoodcompany/pubsub';
import { SubscriberOptions } from '@honestfoodcompany/pubsub';
export default class SubscriptionService extends PubSub.SubscriptionService {
static subscribers = [
* if your subscribers don't have the .sub.js suffix
* they won't be auto-loaded, so you can include their default
* export in this array
static defaultSubscriberOptions: SubscriberOptions = {
* Define project level default subscriber options here.
* These options can be overridden by options defined in subscribers
static async init(): Promise<void> {
* This function is called when the subscription server starts.
* This is a good place to initialize a database connection

Javascript Example#

const PubSub = require('@honestfoodcompany/pubsub');
class SubscriptionService extends PubSub.SubscriptionService {}
SubscriptionService.subscribers = [
* if your subscribers don't have the .sub.js suffix
* they won't be auto-loaded, so you can include their default
* export in this array
SubscriptionService.defaultSubscriberOptions = {
* Define project-level default subscriber options here.
* These options can be overridden by options defined in subscribers
SubscriptionService.init = () => {
* This function is called when the subscription server starts.
* This is a good place to initialize a database connection
exports.default = SubscriptionService;

Running the Service#

To run the service you can use the CLI commands:

npx subscriptions start