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Version: v1



Prerequisites: Install npx if you don't have it installed yet: npm i -g npx

npx subscriptions listlists project subscriptions
npx subscriptions startstarts project subscriptions

Alternatively the CLI can be found at ./node_modules/.bin/subscriptions

CLI Options#

--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--project-id Google project id [string]
--root-dir Path where pubsub folder resides [string]
--project-number (Optional) project number for the project [string]
--driver Use value `synchronous` or leave it to default [string]
--google-application-credentials Path to exported credentials file [string]
--server-port Port at which http health server would run (default:8080) [number] [string]
--health-server If `true` runs server telling health state of subscriptions [boolean]

Subscriptions List#

This will output a table of all subscriptions and their descriptions. Example output:

$ npx subscriptions list
Google Pub/Sub Subscriptions
Topic name Subscription name Description
simple.topic simple.topic.console-log.subscriptionWithOptions Will console log messages published on test.topic
test.topic test.topic.console-log Will console log messages published on test.topic
test.topic test.topic.console-log.v2 Will console log messages published on test.topic

Subscriptions Start#

This will start a subscription service using the subscription.service.{js/ts} file in your PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR. It will first call the init method of the Service class and then start the subscriptions, allowing you to do any startup tasks. Read more about service here

$ npx subscriptions start
Starting Google Pub/Sub Subscriptions Server
[2021-08-27 10:16:26.824 +0530] INFO: ***** INIT CALLED *****
[2021-08-27 10:16:26.824 +0530] INFO: Connecting to DB
[2021-08-27 10:16:27.829 +0530] INFO: Connected to DB
[2021-08-27 10:16:27.830 +0530] INFO: ***** INIT CALLED *****
[2021-08-27 10:16:29.515 +0530] INFO: โœ”๏ธ simple.topic.console-log.subscriptionWithOptions already exists.
[2021-08-27 10:16:43.766 +0530] INFO: ๐Ÿ“ญ simple.topic.console-log.subscriptionWithOptions is ready to receive messages at a controlled volume of 100 messages.
[2021-08-27 10:16:44.887 +0530] INFO: โœ”๏ธ test.topic.console-log already exists.
[2021-08-27 10:16:49.395 +0530] INFO: ๐Ÿ“ญ test.topic.console-log is ready to receive messages at a controlled volume of 5 messages.
[2021-08-27 10:16:51.349 +0530] INFO: โœ”๏ธ test.topic.console-log.v2 already exists.
[2021-08-27 10:17:03.902 +0530] INFO: ๐Ÿ“ญ test.topic.console-log.v2 is ready to receive messages at a controlled volume of 5 messages.
[2021-08-27 10:17:03.902 +0530] INFO: โœ… All subscriptions started successfully.

Development Environment#

For local use you may want to call the CLI with ts-node instead of directly if you are using typescript.

Usage with Typescript#

For use with Typescript, update your local PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR env var to the src directory of the project with the typescript files.

And instead of using npx subscriptions start you can invoke the bin script with ts-node:

npx ts-node ./node_modules/.bin/subscriptions start

If you have a separate tsconfig for your server code then you should pass it to ts-node:

npx ts-node --project tsconfig.server.json ./node_modules/.bin/subscriptions start

To make this easier you can add a script in your package.json:

"scripts": {
"pubsub": "ts-node ./node_modules/.bin/subscriptions start"

Use Debugger with Typescript#

ts-node doesn't have an --inspect option unlike the node cli. But we can still pass it to the node process by way of the NODE_OPTIONS env var.

NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect' ts-node --project tsconfig.server.json ./node_modules/.bin/subscriptions start

Watch Mode with Typescript#

You can use nodemon in combination with ts-node to develop in watch mode:

"scripts": {
"pubsub": "nodemon --exec \"NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect' ts-node --project tsconfig.server.json ./node_modules/.bin/subscriptions start\""