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Version: v2

Messages compression

Framework supports gzip compression/decompression for messages.

It uses zlib port to js for gzip and ungzip messages.


Topic compression option


message.toJSON() automatically checks if payload is gzip compressed and decompress it.

Also, framework exports isGzipCompressed(data: Buffer) function to check if data payload is compressed.


import { SubscriberObject, isGzipCompressed } from '@honestfoodcompany/pubsub';
type Payload = any;
const subscriber: SubscriberObject<Payload> = {
topicName: 'compression.topic',
subscriptionName: 'compression.topic.console-log.subscription',
handleMessage: (message) => {
console.log('is compressed', isGzipCompressed(; // true if payload is compressed
console.log(message.toJSON()); // automatically decompress payload if it's compressed
export default subscriber;