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Version: v2

Migrating to v2

We simplified and improved the experience of using PubSub Framework (especially for Typescript users) in v2, that meant changing the way we do a few things.

These are the changes made for 2.0.0 that are breaking or just important to know:

Min node version is v12.22.0#

Minimum supported node version is v12.22.0.

API Changes#

We stopped exporting pubsub internals from the index file, for more details compare the v1 API and v2 API docs.

Configuration Changes#


To follow similar pattern to Google's automatic injected env vars.

Native grpc module support is removed#

The PUBSUBS_USE_GRPC option is removed.

Throws error on no subscriptions found#

If PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR or the CLI arg (--root-dir) is not found or if the directory doesn't have any subscriptions then service will not start and instead exit with error.


Topic Class#

Topic name and project are now static properties:#

export default class ExampleTopic extends Topic {
static readonly topicName = 'example-topic-with-custom-credentials';
static project: GooglePubSubProject = {
id: 'custom-project-id',
credentials: {
client_email: '',
private_key: 'private_key_goes_here',

Topic class now accepts generic type arguments#

Rather than the publish method previously.

export interface Payload extends BasePayload {
id: number;
data: string;
export default class SimpleTopic extends Topic<Payload> {
static readonly topicName = 'simple.topic';
new SimpleTopic().publish({ data: 'test', id: 2 });

Retry Config is now under options field#

export default class TestRetryTopic extends Topic<Payload> {
static readonly topicName = 'test.topic.with-retry-settings';
options: TopicOptions = {
retryConfig: {
retryCodes: [
10 as const, // 'ABORTED'
1 as const, // 'CANCELLED',
4 as const, // 'DEADLINE_EXCEEDED'
13 as const, // 'INTERNAL'
8 as const, // 'RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED'
14 as const, // 'UNAVAILABLE'
2 as const, // 'UNKNOWN'
backoffSettings: {
initialRetryDelayMillis: 100,
retryDelayMultiplier: 1.3,
maxRetryDelayMillis: 60000,
initialRpcTimeoutMillis: 5000,
rpcTimeoutMultiplier: 1.0,
maxRpcTimeoutMillis: 600000,
totalTimeoutMillis: 600000,


  • Class based subscriptions were already deprecated in v1.10.4 and have been removed. You can only use SubscriberObject to declare subscriptions now.
  • SubscriberObject accepts generic type argument for Payload
    • This type is also picked up by the Message param and the toJson returns this type
  • Message wrapper has a toJson utility now
import { SubscriberObject, Message } from "@honestfoodcompany/pubsub";
import { Payload } from '../topic/simple.topic.ts';
export default: SubscriberObject<Payload> = {
topicName: 'simple.topic',
subscriptionName: 'simple.topic.console-log.sub',
description: 'Will console log messages published on test.topic',
handleMessage: function(message): void {
console.log(this.subscriptionName, 'received message');
const payload = message.toJson();
handleError: function(error: Error): void {

ackDeadlineSeconds is now ackDeadline#

Previously we supported both options, but now only ackDeadline is accepted.

Typescript Changes#

Since most of the classes/interfaces now accept generics for Payload types, the typescript workflow is considerably better. This is how the you would reuse types across topics/subscriptions:

Declare Payload Type with Topic#

export interface Payload extends BasePayload {
id: number;
data: string;
export default class SimpleTopic extends Topic<Payload> {
static readonly topicName = 'simple.topic';
import SimpleTopic from '../topics/simple.topic.ts';
// this is already typed with Payload
new SimpleTopic().publish({
data: 'test',
id: 3,

Reuse Payload Type in SubscriberObject#

import { SubscriberObject, Message } from "@honestfoodcompany/pubsub";
import { Payload } from '../topic/simple.topic.ts';
export default: SubscriberObject<Payload> = {
topicName: 'simple.topic',
subscriptionName: 'simple.topic.console-log.sub',
description: 'Will console log messages published on test.topic',
handleMessage: function(message): void {
console.log(this.subscriptionName, 'received message');
// This is already typed as Payload
const payload = message.toJson();
handleError: function(error: Error): void {